
Saturday, August 27, 2011

Stuck In The House.....Not Healthy

It just started raining about an hour or so ago here.  We have tied everything down that we can and what couldn't be tied down is either in the garage or in the basement.  I am praying to God that this storm is not as bad as predicted and that we all fare well when its all said and done.
We are pretty much stuck in the house for now and for me that has not been a good thing.  My sister and my daughter are making chocolate chip cookies and I already had one...ugh!!  I don't even really like chocolate chip cookies but the smell of them coupled with my being bored had me munching on one.  THEN to make matters worse, I had some ice cream last night.  These past two days have not been healthy for me at all.  I am in trouble because I also missed the last two days at the gym.  Someone please make hurricane Irene go away before I become as big as a house.....AGAIN!!!!!
What are your tips for staying healthy when you are stuck in the house during a storm????? Suggestions are truly needed.
Until next time, stay strong and eat healthy.....wait, I think I need to heed my own advice here.  :-)

Friday, August 26, 2011

Bracing For Irene

Well, here on the East Coast we are bracing for the storm.  I am not sure if the media is making it worse than it is, but I need to stop listening to the reports because they are really scaring me at this point.  Hopefully it is not as bad as they are predicting.  I hope everyone stays safe.  I am on my way to the store to stock up on some essentials.
Until next time, stay strong and eat healthy.

Monday, August 22, 2011

So Much Fun, So Much Exhaustion

Whew!!!!  The Healthy Living Summit is over and I am so exhausted.  I had so much fun and learned so many new things.  It was so great to meet so many awesome bloggers like Caitlin, Kath, Meghann, Lauren, and Andrea just to name a few.  Everyone was extremely nice.  I honestly felt like I've known these people for so long.  I was even fortunate enough to meet Dawn Jackson Blatner who is a Registered Dietician and author of The Flexitarian Diet.  She was so motivating and uplifting.
I have a new found love for diet and nutrition and healthy living in general. The whole weekend has made me realize how important it is to maintain a healthy lifestyle.  It has given me the much needed kick in the butt to get me even more serious about my journey.  I hope you all will come along with me for the ride.
I plan to post more about my weekend, but for now I must get some sleep.
Until next time, stay strong and eat healthy!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Two More Days....

Two more days until the Healthy Living Summit comes to Philly!!!!  Yippee!!!  I am soooo excited!!!  Ok, ok, I'm calming down now...
Anyway, this morning I was able to get in 40 minutes of cardio.  I did 10 minutes on the elliptical and 30 minutes on the bike.  My legs felt like bricks because yesterday the trainer had me working on legs.  He kept telling me yesterday "strong legs"!!! So, when I wanted to stop on the bike, I just kept saying to myself "strong legs".  It worked because I was able to keep pushing through.  I only have one more session with the Trainer.  I have learned so much from him and hope to keep up with all that he has taught me. 
Time to get to work!
Until next time, stay strong and eat healthy.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Healthy Living Summit

I am counting down the days until HLS!!!!   I am soooo excited!!!!  I am thinking of doing the Together Counts 5k fun run. I am being hesitant because I have never done a 5k run but I think this might be a good test for me since I am going to be doing my first "official" one in September.  I will have to see when I get there.  Maybe I  can find someone who is in the same boat as me???
Yesterday I had the session with the Trainer.  Let me just say, HE KICKED MY BOOTY!!!!  I had mentioned to him during the previous session that I was signed up to do a 5k.  Well, he took note if that and really worked me hard.  We started off strong with the steps and ended strong with boxing.  By the time it was over, I was sitting on the bench trying to catch my breath!  He loved EVERY minute of me not being able to breathe...LOL!!!
I was happy with the workout though because I love the feeling of being pushed to the limit.  Makes me feel like its all worth it. Does anyone else get this feeling?
Well, gotta go for now.  Work is calling me. So, until next time, stay strong and eat healthy.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Well since I am doing my first 5k, I need to step up my workouts.  I had the Trainer this morning and we worked on abs, arms, shoulders, and back.  Now I realize that I need to be doing more cardio so I went back to the gym for a second workout today!!!  Woo Hoo!!!  I rode the bike for 20 minutes and then I got on the treadmill and ran\walked for 5 minutes each for a total of 10 mins on the treadmill.  I am feeling pretty good right now, but I think I will probably crash later this afternoon.  I also decided to go with the mentality that  I need to fuel my body correctly.   I had yogurt and oatmeal for breakfast and for lunch I had a half of a PB and banana with honey on 100% whole wheat bread.  Oh and I forgot, I started my morning off with a Protein shake that I made before I left the house.  I have to get some more water in my system which I will be concentrating on this afternoon.
Lets see how long these two-a-days last.  I plan on doing them a couple of times a week. Does anyone else do two-a-days?  Any suggestions to keep the motivation up?
Until next time stay strong and eat healthy.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

First 5k

Just a quick post to say that its official....I signed up for my first 5k.  Its scheduled for Sept. 26....YIKES!!!!  I am SO afraid.  I have NEVER run a race before.  Luckily this one is a flat course and one of my friends is running it with me.  Now I just have to step up the training.  Wish me luck!!
Until next time, stay strong and eat healthy.