
Monday, February 27, 2012

Awesome Weekend

I was so excited for Saturday to get here because I was headed to the Endurance Sports Expo. I could not wait because I had heard it was a lot of fun. Since I am really into cycling, I was extremely anxious to take a look at the road bikes and the other cycling gear. The show didn't open until 10am, but I heard that a line forms early. They were also going to hand out swag bags to the first 750 people. So, I was there 1.5 hrs before the doors opened and yes, I was FIRST in line...YIPPEE!!!!

Here are a couple of pics of the bikes I saw and liked:

I seriously cannot wait to purchase my first road bike.  Of course some of these bikes were in the thousands of dollars range and since I am by no means a professional, I will be getting something on a much cheaper scale.  But, hey, one can dream, can't she???  That's it for now...until next time stay strong and eat healthy.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Getting Back Into My Groove

i had a couple of days off so today I decided to head on over to the Y. I'm glad I did because when I was finished, I felt great! I did 20 minutes on the elliptical and 10 minutes on the bike. When I was riding the bike I was acting like I was in SPIN class so at one point I had the resistance up to 20 so that I felt like I was "peddling through mud" (as my Trainer would say). After my cardio work, I went and did some weights. I just concentrated on my arms. Tomorrow I plan on concentratying on my legs with the weights. I would also like to swim tomorrow, but I have to see how my schedule looks.
I also didn't do too bad with eating. For breakfast, I had an egg and cheese with one piece of bacon on a sandwich thin. For lunch I had 1/4 lb of seafood salad (which I probably should't have had but.....). For dinner I had some chicken and rice. I was only able to get in 32oz of water which is NOT good. I will strive to do better tomorrow!
Well gotta go! Until next time, stay strong and eat healthy.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Uncontrollable Factors Derailling My Efforts

Well, here we are...its Friday and I am sitting at my desk when I should be in my SPIN class.  I am going to regret this I just know it!!! I am not going to complain because I have no one to blame but myself.  I am letting too many outside forces derail my weight loss plans.  (Note to self: not everything can be controlled by me)

I need to get a GRIP and snap out of this......NOW!!!!! Exercise would probably help me to relieve some stress.  Maybe just maybe I will go to the gym later on today.  I do have my workout clothes with me.  Someone please encourage me and give me hope.  I need it!!!!

Until next time, stay strong and eat healthy...(REALLY talking to myself here)

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Rough Days

It sure has been a STRESSFUL couple of weeks.  We are going through major changes at work and it is unclear of what the outcome might be so I have been a basket case for weeks now.  For me, with stress comes eating.  I eat just to combat the stress and 9 times out of 10, what I am eating is NOT a healthy choice.
I went a got weighed last week and I was up 2lbs!!!!  Uh!!! Not surprised but not happy either.  I had skipped the previous week's weigh in because I just knew it was going to be ugly.
I have still been going to the gym though.  I will NOT give that up because I know that it is good for me at this point - both mentally and physically. 
I just want to get through this week and then things should calm down and I can get back to concentrating on losing this dredded weight.  I am tired of being FAT!!!!!
Until next time, stay strong and eat healthy -  I am definitely talking to myself here.