
Monday, March 26, 2012

Missing In Action

You never know how much of an impact you leave on people. I had been going to the gym at work every morning consistently for about a year. I never missed a beat. Well, that was until about two months ago. I started going three times a weeke, then it dwindled down to two times a week. Then I hurt my back and stopped going but I told myself as soon as my back got better I would get back into it. Well, my back has felt fine for about two weeks now, but I still have not been back to the gym. Now mind you I have ridden my bike outsides few times and I have managed to go to the Y also, but nothing has compared to my everyday gym days. Several people, including my trainer have stopped me in the hallway to see if I'm ok and to say that they have missed me being in the gym. A coworker even stopped me to say that I was her motivation for getting to the gym and now that I'm not there, she has slacked off some. Wow! I'm not quite sure what to think of all of this. I mean it is great to be missed and to have people care, but it also brings about some pressure. It makes me realize that not only am I doing this for me, but I also have people looking up to me for inspiration. It is flattering to an extent though.
With all of that being said, I know that I need to get my butt back into the gym. It's so easy to get out of the habit. All I can say is that I am going to try.
Btw, I did get in a 10 mile bike ride the other day. I am loving my new bike!!! Just need to invest in some padded bike shorts. ;-)
Until next time, stay strong and eat healthy.

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