
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Talking the Talk.....

As the saying goes if you talk the talk, can you also walk the walk?  Ok or something like that.  What I have realized so far in this journey of mine is that I have no problem whatsoever with talking the talk.  I can talk and talk and talk about what I am going to do to lose the weight and what it will take for me to lose the weight.  I can talk about how I am going to exercise 5 or 6 days a week and how I am going to exercise at night after I put my daughter to bed.  But the reality is that I am NOT walking the walk as I am talking the talk.  I was doing really well with my exercising, but I am somehow seeing myself starting to slack in that area. I said that I would pack my lunch for the week so that I could control what I am eating.  Well, that didn't work either.  I need to get my mojo back!  I can't just sit by and look at everyone else around me exercising and eating better.  I need to start walking the walk better than just talking the talk.  I need to hold myself accountable and get back to my WW meetings and weigh-ins. Yep, I even stopped going to those because I know that I have not been doing what I am supposed to.  So I pray that this blog post will help me to once again see that light so that I can make the right choices and get back to the matter at hand.
Until next time, stay strong and eat healthy.

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