
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

What's Been Going On With Me Lately

Its been a little bit since I last posted.  Things have been hectic.  Work, parties, dance classes, entertaining, etc.  It all adds up and before I know it its been about two weeks since my last post.  I had my weekly Weight Watchers weigh in and I lost 1.2 lbs the first week.  And I was happy with that because I knew that I was doing just the minimum to get by.  I was allowing myself the opportunity to enjoy the parties without going way overboard.  I know I have to really buckle down in order to get this weight off.  By being back on Weight Watchers, it makes me focus on what I am putting in my body.  It helps to keep me accountable because I know I always have that weigh in coming up.
I decided that I am going to go to the gym 3 times a week during the week and then I will do some of my own exercises at home on the weekends.  I have just been feeling so tired lately and I think it was because I woke up for a year straight at 4:30 am to get to the gym everyday and it has taken its toll on me.  So, I know I cannot afford to (nor do I want to) give up going to the gym completely.  That is why I devised my new 3x a week plan.  The other two days I will get to sleep in a little (an extra half hour).  I will see how this works.
I have been eating okay, but I know I can/must do better.  I am taking things one day at a time.  I am counting on you guys for some motivation and help so please send me all the encouragement you can...I surely need it.
Until next time, stay strong and eat healthy.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Doing It Again

I seem to have been in a rut lately and started eating less than healthy.  I was going to the gym five times a week and then cut it to two or three.  Not sure where all of this craziness is coming from but it MUST stop!  I need to get this weight off once and for all.  I am tired and disgusted.  So, I decided that today after work I will be joining Weight Watchers again.  I mean, that is where I was able to lose 25lbs and lose it at a decent pace.  I at least felt like I was accomplishing something. So, it will be back to counting points for me.  I am choosing this because I know it works for me.  I will also make better efforts to get to the gym regularly again.  I CAN do this.....heck, I MUST do this!
Until next time, stay strong and eat healthy.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Still Here

Hey!  I'm still alive and kicking.  Things are just crazy busy at work and my daughter started preschool so that has also kept me busy.  All fun and exciting things.  I am still going to the gym and working out.  I have fallen off of the healthy eating a little bit and desparately need to get back on track.  I am working on it.  I also decided not to run the 5k because I am just. not. ready.  I don't want to go at it half heartedly.  I am going to try to find a race in October.
Well, gotta get back to work.  Until next time, stay strong and eat healthy!  (This is also directed towards me!)